Diversified Bio Diversity of India

Indian Forests are diverse and magnificent. They are not just green patches on the map but ecological wonders and economic resources. The forests have been intertwined with India's history providing habitat to a lot of species and livelihood to countless communities. The biodiversity within India's forests in awe-inspiring. These ecosystems house worlds known species. Among the iconic inhabitants are the Royal Bengal Tiger, the indian rhinoceres, the elusive snow leopard and the asiatic lion. The diversity of indian forests is a reflection of the country's varied topography and climate. Below are a few mentioned 1. Tropical Rainforests The dense vegetation and tall canopies characterize these type of forests. These have rich diversity of trees species. National Park and Sanctuaries - Agumbe Rainforest(Karnataka), Namdhapa Tiger Reserve (Arunachal Pradesh), Pakke Tiger Reserve (Arunachal Pradesh) Wildlife - Royal Bengal Tiger, Indian Leopard, Asian Elephant, Indian Bi...