Re-Union and Love!

 Recently I witnessed a fascinating and dramatic scene in the wild.

A drama unfolded in the heart of Kolsa - Tadoba, amidst the serene meadows and winding roads. It began with the majestic Kuwani - the reigning tigress of Kolsa sitting by the roadside in the early hours of our morning safari. We had just entered the park and within minutes we found her lounging in the tranquil grasslands, her eyes scanning the surroundings with vigilance. 

Soon Kuwani rose from her resting spot and walked into the meadows. Her cub, which was a little inside in the grass ventured cautiously on the road. He was oblivious to the dangers that lurked around. Suddenly, a new figure emerged from the periphery - Hirdinala tigress - the matriarch of this lineage and Kuwani's own mother. her arrival was a mere coincidence, she had accidentally walked into the territory of Kuwani. Spotting her daughter's cub on the road, Hirdinala's instincts surged into action. With an unpleasant growl, Hirdinala charged towards the unsuspecting cub. Her powerful strides forced the cub to run for safe ground in the tall grass. The drama intensified as the chase continued in the meadows - Hirdinala chasing the cub. 

Lost in the green meadows, the cub lost track of its mother. For more than an hour, they were separated and just as we thought that the cub would never find its way back to and would eventually get killed by its own grandmother, he navigated back to its sibling and mother. 

For the onlookers, it was a story of family dynamics played out in the wild. Each movement spoke volumes about the charging instincts of a grandmother towards her own grandchild, the innocence of the cub not realizing at first that his grandmother could harm him, the fear of losing its mother for a while, and the helpless mother who has lost her cub but also was afraid of her own mother killing her child. 

Such moments in the wild, show the intricacies of nature. Every day something new happens in the forest and narratives always unfold. 


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